Spring Pasture Time for Horses

Horse owners eagerly anticipate the spring for grazing their horses on lush, growing pastures. However, it is crucial to approach this transition with caution. Introducing horses to pasture too early in the season or allowing them to graze for extended periods can have negative consequences for both the pasture and the horses’ well-being.

Pre-Grazing Preparation

After enduring the stresses of winter, grass needs time to recover. Ideally, the grass should be allowed to grow to a height of 6 to 8 inches, depending on the species, before horses are allowed to graze. This regrowth period enables the roots to strengthen and store energy.

Before horses are turned out onto pasture for the first time, it is also essential to feed them hay. This step ensures that they do not have empty stomachs when introduced to the new grazing environment.

Managing Grazing Time

The initial grazing period should be limited to 15 to 20 minutes. Each day, the grazing time can be increased by 15 minutes until the horses are comfortably grazing for about 4 or 5 hours. At this point, they can be allowed unrestricted time on the pasture.

Allowing horses too much initial grazing time can lead to digestive disturbances. The microflora in their gut requires time to adjust to the difference in forage sources. To minimize this risk, it is crucial to gradually increase their grazing time.

Overgrazing should be avoided to maintain the health of the pasture. Ideally, pastures should not be grazed to below 3-4 inches in grass length. Otherwise, the pasture can quickly deteriorate into a bare area. Additionally, overgrazing promotes the growth of hardy weeds over desirable grasses.

Health and Pasture Considerations

During spring, cool-season grasses can experience rapid growth, resulting in higher levels of plant sugars (fructans). Horse owners should exercise caution during this time to prevent issues related to excessive sugar intake. The use of grazing muzzles can be considered to help reduce rapid grass intake.

The proper introduction of horses to spring pastures is essential for the well-being of both the horses and the pasture. By following these guidelines, horse owners can ensure that their horses have a healthy transition to grazing, while also maintaining the long-term health of the pasture.

And as always, if you need assistance with your horses' nutritional needs, our experts are standing by ready to help! Call or stop by today, and we'll be happy to take care of you.


NOTE: This post is adapted (with permission) from content proudly brought to you by our partners at Nutrena and Cargill Animal Nutrition. The original article appears here.

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