Cold Weather Safety

Winters tend to be pretty mild here in central Texas, but we still need to think about cold-weather precautions for our pets. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as the weather starts to change:

  • Know your pet’s limits. Like people, pets vary in their ability to tolerate the cold. Dense-coated breeds such as Huskies, Malamutes, and Chows have better cold tolerance than short-haired breeds. Likewise, short-leg breeds may chill more quickly since part of their underside more easily comes in contact with the wet or frozen ground. Both younger and older pets tend to have less body fat to protect them from heat loss. So just remember that your pets may be more exposed than you think--and plan your activities accordingly.

  • Be mindful of slippery conditions. It's true we don't get a lot of icy weather most winters, but keep in mind that wet or icy roads make those roads near your pet's favorite play area more dangerous than usual. Consider that before letting your pets off-leash this season!

  • Consider skin hydration. Winter is hard on the skin--both outdoors in the cold air and in the heated, dry indoors. This is a good time of year to consider using a humidifier to help keep your pet’s skin from becoming dry and flaky. Using a good hair and coat supplement with vitamins and fatty acids on their food may help the skin build a better protective barrier.

  • Groom for the season. During the winter months, it's a good idea to have your groomer use a longer clip to help protect them from the cold. (Just keep in mind that cold, dry air can increase static charge in your pet’s hair, so you may have to brush more frequently to prevent matting.) Also, consider bathing your pet less frequently during the winter to prevent stripping away the skin's natural oils, which can help prevent dry, flaky skin underneath the coat.

  • Check before starting that engine. In the coldest weeks of winter, it isn't uncommon for cats and wild animals to crawl up under the hood of a vehicle and sleep near the car motor because it's relatively warm and protected a space. We hear about cats being injured or killed by the fan or fan belt when customers start their engines after an especially cold night. Consider banging on the hood of your car a few seconds before starting the engine, especially if you have outdoor cats or young kittens weathering their first winter near your home.

Remember cold weather safety is about planning ahead and using common sense. If it's too cold for you to be out for any length of time, chances are it's even worse for your pet! Meanwhile, be sure to stop by regularly and let our team help you ensure that your pets remain well nourished all season long.


NOTE: This post is adapted (with permission) from content proudly brought to you by our partners at Nutrena and Cargill Animal Nutrition. The original article appears here.

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